Washington joins FM Bilawal in urging Taliban to stop crossborder attacks . US has also urged the Taliban not to allow terrorists to use Afghan soil for attacks in Pakistan or other places in the region . The State Department assured Islamabad it stands in solidarity with the people of Pakistan during this difficult time .
The UN Security Council urged all states to cooperate with Pakistan in fighting terrorism . UN Secretary General Antnio Guterres in a statement on Monday called on the Pakistani authorities to bring those responsible to justice. He said he stands in .
solidarity with . the government and the people . of Pakistan in combating this scourge. He also sent heartfelt condolences and assured . Islamabad that the US stands in support of the . people of the United States during this . difficult time. The U.
S. has also assured Islamabad that they are committed to defeating this scourge of terrorism. The United States is committed to helping the Pakistani government. It has also expressed its support to the Pakistani people’s efforts to defeat this scourge, he said.
The US has expressed their support for Pakistan’Succeeded in its efforts to overcome the economic crisis, he added . Pakistan has been warned that CPEC would push the country deeper into an already stifling debt burden and foster corruption and repatriate jobs and profits to China.
It would foster corruption. It will also encourage the growth of jobs and benefits from China’. It’�s government. The Chinese Vice Prime Minister’ll be a ‘succeeding to Pakistan.’ – The US’ succeeds in the US”. It is a “sucrative” to the US.