CPEC moves into second phase with ‘simple’ celebration celebration . CPEC

CPEC moves into second phase with ‘simple’ celebration celebration . CPEC

China and Pakistan decided to accelerate the second phase of the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor . In a special ceremony held to commemorate years of CPEC on Monday six new documents were signed for joint cooperation . The celebrations however were kept simple out of respect for the victims of the Bajaur terrorist attack .

Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng was on an official visit to attend the celebrations as a special representative of President Xi Jinping . He also met President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif . The two leaders exchanged views on several aspects of the bilateral relationship including CPEC and bilateral economic and financial cooperation .

Mr Lifeng underlined that the PakistanChina friendship was unique and had withstood the test of time. He reiterated that as an iron brother and strategic partner China would continue its economic and monetary support to Pakistan. He said the project was now poised to increase Pakistans economic connectivity in the entire region and beyond .

The ceremony was attended by the Chinese vice premier and the Pakistani parliamentarians at the AiwaniSadr . It was agreed that the th anniversary of the CPEC was a fresh starting point to further expand the project as envisaged by the leadership of the two countries.

The two sides expressed firm commitment to continue working together for realising the shared objectives of CPec. The ceremony held at the PM hoped both projects would be successfully executed. Later the prime minister hosted a luncheon in honour of Mr Lifongeng and his delegation.

The PM hosted a lunch to Mr Lifang. The Chinese delegation. Later in the PM. The Pakistani delegation. It was attended. The prime minister. The meeting. PM hoped for Mr Lifung. Mr Lifng had a lunchecheng. He had a personal congratulations.


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