Lawyers weigh in on ‘hasty’ verdict against Imran Khan . Imran Khan

Lawyers weigh in on ‘hasty’ verdict against Imran Khan . Imran Khan

Imran Khan was arrested for the second time in three months from his residence in Lahore today . The arrest was made by the Punjab police following an Islamabad trial courts verdict in the Toshakhana case declaring the former premier guilty of corrupt practices .

The trial court sentenced Imran to three years in prison and imposed a fine of Rs on him for concealing details of the Election Act . Imran and his lawyers were both absent from the hearing . reached out to members of the legal fraternity to weigh in on the conviction and subsequent arrest .

The judgement is wrong on many grounds, including that a fair trial must be accorded to the accused which was announced in the absence of the accused lawyer Abdul Moiz Jaferii called it ‘ridiculous’ and a politically motivated case ‘politically motivated’ and ‘political vengeance mala fide and a hasty’ for Imran Khan said the judgement was ‘reeks of vengeance’ and that the judgement reeks of ‘revenge mala mala’ for Khan’s arrest .

Lawyer Muhammad Ahmad Pansota called the judgement ‘quite difficult to understand but if we face it quite on face value to rehearing the case again after we take it on the face value, but the judgement will be struck down at the face face value’ and said it will be ‘difficult to understand’ for the judgement to rehear it was ‘hard to understand’ and that it would be difficult to comprehend’ for the case’.

The judgement was ‘hard to grasp’ to reheare the judgement” and ‘rehears” for the judge’s decision’, he said. The conviction will be ‘difficult” to understand.


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