Pakistan condemns Indian actions in held Kashmir region . Pakistan condemns India’s actions in Kashmir .

Pakistan condemns Indian actions in held Kashmir region . Pakistan condemns India’s actions in Kashmir .

Azad Jammu and Kashmir AJK Legislative Assembly termed Indias move an atrocious assault on Muslim majority states distinct political cultural and religious identity . The AJKs highest representative forum also unanimously passed six resolutions at its special session convened to mark Aug as the Day of Exploitation of Kashmiris .

The Gilbistan assembly also observed a Black Day on Saturday . OIC calls for revoking actions taken since New Delhis action to revoke the regions special status . In Azad Kashmir processions were held in all districts and tehsil headquarters including the capital Muzaffarabad Mirpur Kotli Kotli Bhimbher Bagh Rawalakot Palandri Neelam valley Haveili and Jhelum districts .

The military leadership also expressed solidarity with the brave and resilient people of held Kashmir in their just struggle for the right to selfdetermination for Kashmiris. In their messages the president prime minister army chief and other political leaders expressed their resolve to continue the support for Kashmiri people .

In a post on social media platform X the president Arif Alvi called upon India to reverse its postAug actions . The measures taken four years ago were designed to permanently occupy the disputed territory . The Pakistan armed forces pay tribute to the martyrs in the region for their supreme sacrifices in the area .

In their statements the Pakistan Armed Forces said all armed forces were pay rich tributes to the martyars . The Pakistani armed forces paid all their sacrifices for the Kashmiri martyrs for their sacrifices. In a statement. The Kashmiri forces. The Pakistani government.

The British and British. National Security Council called on India to cease cease cease-fire and cease-tensitration.


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