Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng arrived at the Prime Ministers House in Islamabad to meet PM Shehbaz Sharif . The Chinese vice premier arrived in Islamabad a day earlier at the invitation of the Pakistani government . He will attend a ceremony celebrating a decade of CPEC as the chief guest .
The visit is part of regular highlevel exchanges and dialogue between Pakistan and China and reflected the importance attached by both countries to further deepen their allweather strategic cooperative partnership . Security details around the route and venues where he will stay and attend the ceremony will be deployed to ensure foolproof security .
No vehicle will be parked along the route during the movements and security officials will report any suspected person or vehicles to senior officers . Extra security will be ensured at sensitive points identified in the security plan . The security personnel posted along the .
route will carry reflecting jackets raincoats and bulletproof helmets and jackets whistles and torches. They will be equipped with binoculars wireless sets and G rifles. No vehicles will be allowed to use mobile phones and have to be reported to senior police officers.
The security officials report suspected persons suspected persons or vehicles. No vehicle would be parked in any suspected persons. The Rawalpindi police will also perform security duties along the routes. No suspected persons will be reported. No suspects will be suspected persons .
No suspected people or vehicles will report anyone suspected persons to Senior officers. No . suspected persons are suspected persons in suspected persons being suspected people. No suspicious persons or suspected persons have been suspected persons reported to Senior Officers.
No persons were suspected persons with suspected persons, suspected persons may be suspected individuals. No one suspected persons’s suspected persons were.