Bangladesh police clash with protesters blockading capital . Bangladesh police clashed with protesters blocking capital .

Bangladesh police clash with protesters blockading capital . Bangladesh police clashed with protesters blocking capital .

Bangladesh police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse crowds blocking major roads in Dhaka . Clashes erupted in several locations when police moved in to clear thousands of people who gathered in the morning to block traffic on key arterials around the city .

The opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party BNP and its allies have staged a series of protests since last year demanding Sheikh Hasina step down and allow a caretaker government to oversee elections due next January . Hasinas Awami League has ruled Bangladesh since and has been accused of human rights abuses corruption and creeping authoritarianism .

Western governments have expressed concern over the political climate in Bangladesh where the ruling party dominates the legislature and runs it virtually as a rubber stamp . The BNPs leader Khaleda Zia is effectively under house arrest after a conviction on graft charges .

The protests have become increasingly common since the start of the year with rallies this month drawing tens of thousands of protesters to the streets this month . Back to Mail Online home to go to the page you want to see the rest of the world. Back to view the full interview interview with our live updates from this week’s Mail Online.

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