Pakistan wants Iran to suspend gas obligations with Pakistan . Pakistan wants Iranian gas obligations suspended .

Pakistan wants Iran to suspend gas obligations with Pakistan . Pakistan wants Iranian gas obligations suspended .

Pakistan issues Force Majeure and Excusing Event to Iran to suspend its contractual obligation on completion of multibilliondollar IranPakistan IP gas pipeline project . Pakistan has expressed its inability to pursue the project as long as US sanctions on Iran remain in place or Washington tacitly green lights Islamabad to go ahead with the project that has been in cold storage for almost a decade despite acute energy shortages in the South Asian nation .

The Iranian pipeline was aimed to supply million cubic feet per day MMCFD of gas although it was vehemently opposed publicly and diplomatically by the US authorities . Tehran has been claiming to have completed its side of the kilometre pipeline for which groundbreaking ceremony was jointly conducted by then presidents Asif Ali Zardari and Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the Iranian site of Gabd near Chahbahar in March with then estimated cost of .

bn . Pakistan had committed to complete its side by January . Pakistan says no date and deadline can be given for the completion of the pipeline is yet to be given to the project . The pipeline is currently being supplied to the existing domestic customers during the peak cooking hours of the .

peak gas supplies in Pakistan were depleting rapidly whereas the demand of gas was increasing every year thus widening the demandsupply gap is currently widening the gap . Officials said Pakistan had requested Washington earlier this year for a way out on the project to help overcome energy shortages but had not yet received any response .

Officials say Pakistan had asked Washington for a response but have not yet given any response to the . response . The official said that Pakistan had not received any . response. The official had not responded to any response. to the request for any response from Washington.


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