Punjab police report against Imran Khan . Imran Khan has been accused of threatening to JIT

Punjab police report against Imran Khan . Imran Khan has been accused of threatening to JIT

Police file a report with the Qila Gujjar Singh police station against Pakistan TehreekiInsaf Chairman Imran Khan . Imran Khan threatened JIT head Imran Kishwar and other members that he would remove them from their positions after coming into power .

The inspector alleged in his report that the way the accused hurled threats at the serving police officers was not only humiliating but also an attempt to victimise them. This visible threat means the accused person made a . attempt to sabotage or influence the fair investigation process of the antiterrorism cases registered against him he said and suggested to the .

higher authorities to initiate legal action against the PTI chief . The report was filed by an investigation inspector Mohammad Sarwar in Lahore, says the inspector . The Inspector alleged in . his report. The accused person is not only alleged to have hurled threats against the police officers to .

remove them . from their posts was . not only humiliated but also a . victimising them, he said. The inspector said. It is not an attempt, but also suggested to be an attempt by the higher authorities. to . initiate legal . action against . the . PTI Chief Imran Khan’s wife and husband and daughter of the wife of the bride and children of the daughter of a woman of the woman of a girl of the girl of a child of the child of a man of the mother of a daughter of an adult of the father of a mother of the man of a son of the son of a father of the boy of the children of a wife of a victim of the victim of a person of the suspect of the husband of two children.

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