16 PTI Shangla activists sent to jail over protest . 16 PTi Shangla

16 PTI Shangla activists sent to jail over protest . 16 PTi Shangla

Additional district and sessions judges in Shanglas Alpuri and Chakesar tehsils on Sunday sent activists of Pakistan TehreekiInsaf who were arrested on Saturday to a prison in Swat for holding protest rallies . Shangla administration had imposed Section on Saturday banning gatherings for a month .

However the PTI activists agitated against the arrest of their party chairman forcing the administration to launch a crackdown on them for violating the ban . Subdivisional police officer Puran Sher Hassan led raids and arrested seven activists including Puran tehsil chairman Abdul Maula .

The lawyer said they had already submitted applications for obtaining bail of the arrested workers . Meanwhile the police booked five local leaders in Bajaur tribal district for blocking roads and inciting the public during their protests against party chairman Imran Khan on Saturday officials said on Sunday .

They were booked for staging a protest in the Khar Bazaar on Saturday, according to the lawyer. The FIR was registered at a local police station on the complaint of SubInspector Mambar Khan incharge of Khar bazaar police post at the local police post .

The FIRs were registered at the complaint was registered in the complaint by the complaint. The investigation was launched at the complainant of the complaint at an local police unit. The complaint was recorded at the FIR was recorded in a local Police post.

The incident was recorded by the complainant. The case. The information was recorded. The complainant was reported. The alleged incident. The report. The accused. The victim’s wife and the victim. The person. The suspect. The deceased. The officer.

The woman. She is deceased. She has been identified. She died. She had been injured. She was injured.


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