At least 11 killed, 27 missing in Beijing rainstorms in recent days . At least

At least 11 killed, 27 missing in Beijing rainstorms in recent days . At least

Storm Doksuri a former super typhoon had swept northwards through China since hitting southern Fujian province on Friday . Nearly the average rainfall for the entire month of July dumped on the capital in just hours . Among the dead were two workers killed on duty during rescue and relief efforts .

More than people across the city deemed at risk had been evacuated stateowned tabloid The Global Times reported . China has been experiencing extreme weather and posting record temperatures this summer events that scientists say are being exacerbated by climate change .

The country is already preparing for the arrival of another typhoon Khanun the sixth such storm of the year as it nears Chinas east coast . Parts of neighbouring Hebei province remain under red alert for rainstorms with authorities warning of potential flash floods and landslides .

The city activated a flood control reservoir on Monday for the first time since it was built in the Beijing Daily said. The city activate a floodcontrol reservoir for the last time since the first was built for it was designed to be built in July for the the first since it had been built in 2008 .

The Chinese government has been preparing for another Typhoon Khanun to hit the east coast. It is already warning of possible flash floods, landslides and landslideides. It has issued a warning of landslides. Local media on Monday and emergency vehicles including trucks with water tanks and bulldozers were spotted on the road between Shijingshan and Mentougou districts.

The Chinese National Institute of Meteorologists were spotted. The Beijing Daily report. For the first of the Chinese National Council of Meteorological Research. The National Institute for Disaster Management. For The National Meteorological Institute.

For For The Chinese Council of Climatology. For Research and Research.


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