Islamabad police drop ‘torture’ charge, register water-down FIR

Islamabad police drop ‘torture’ charge, register water-down FIR

Capital police have booked the wife of a civil judge involved in alleged torture on a yearold maid . Police have also a medicolegal certificate which mentioned injuries on the body of the girl including marks of strangulation but the suspect was not charged with the sections relevant to strangulation torture and injuring .

When asked she told her family that the judges wife used to torture and beat her with baton and spoon daily and did not provide her dinner . It is yet to be decided if the case will be investigated at the police station level or handed over to the investigation wing as it falls in the category of juvenile and child abuse .

The case was registered at the Humak police station in response to the complaint from the girls father a labourer by profession. According to the FIR he sent his daughter to the house of the judge at Zartaj Housing Society through an acquaint against Rs per month salary .

Her ribs were also found broken and injuries were found on her back. The girl was later taken to the Sargodha DHQ hospital where the girls condition deteriorated and was then referred to Lahore. Despite repeated attempts police officials concerned could not be contacted for comments for comments .

Despite repeated efforts to contact police officials, the police officials could not contact for comments. Despite multiple attempts Police officials concerned can not be reached for comment. The case is yet-to-be contacted for Comments. It is unclear if the police officers could not comment.

Despite numerous attempts. Despite several attempts to contact Police Officials concerned could be contacted. Despite attempts to provide for comments, the officers could be concerned. Despite many attempts to reach for comment, the officials concerned.

It has not been reached for comments to the police. Despite efforts to reach the police concerned.


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